Available courses

Hans Ørberg's Lingua Latina per se Illustrata is the world's premiere series for learning Latin via the Natural Method. The Natural Method encourages students to learn Latin without resorting to translation, but instead by teaching them to think in the language: students first learn grammar and vocabulary inductively through extended contextual reading and an ingenious system of marginal notes. Lingua Latina per se Illustrata is also the most popular series for those teachers at both the secondary and collegiate levels who wish to develop Latin conversational skills in the classroom.

English Grammar Recitation Workbook One is tied specifically to the grammar taught in Latina Christiana, but it can be used successfully alongside any Latin program. Students will master (and be able to recite fluently) 31 grammar rules, 10 capitalization rules, and 15 punctuation rules. For Composition, Students look at a single story or idea and begin learning how to use words to engage the imagination of the audience. They master the structures of thought or ideas that go into a narrative and learn to create recognition by using figures of description. Students learn to restructure facts to tell the same story or idea. They also discover that words are symbols representing ideas, and as writers they can communicate the same idea using a variety of words and sentence structures.

This refreshingly Catholic biology book begins with a short and easy application of the wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas (the Catholic Church’s greatest theologian) to the science of biology. In contrast to most modern biology texts, which are designed around evolutionary principles and assumptions, this Catholic textbook explains life from the perspective of the observable activities of living things. It takes into account all the causes of life, including God, the soul, and the purpose behind the design of living things. Guided by this sound framework, the reader is given an up-to-date presentation of human biology, animal physiology, a detailed treatment of the various animal and plant kinds, ecosystems, cellular and molecular biology, genetics and heredity, biotechnology and ethics, and a refutation of evolution as a plausible explanation of the origin and diversity of life. Sold separately are a laboratory/experiment manual, student exercises, and answer key.

Volume I: The Ancient World, begins the journey, covering the time periods from the dawn of history and the early nomads to the conversion of Emperor Constantine. Children will learn what life was like in the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, Greece, Rome, and more, as well as learn the Old Testament stories of the Israelites and the coming of Christ.

Note: families only need to purchase the student text, activity book, and test book for the course at St. Alcuin.

This Literature and Poetry course will integrate a survey of the canon of Western Literature, as well as contemporary contributions to Catholic and humanistic learning from around the world.

World Chronology is a timeline based course covering the four major periods of History: Ancient World (4000 BC – 750 BC), Classical World (750 BC – 500 AD), Medieval World (500 AD – 1500 AD), Modern World (1500 AD – present).

Traditional Logic is an in-depth study of the classical syllogism. Along with a basic understanding of the Christian theory of knowledge, the text presents the four kinds of logical statements, the four ways propositions can be opposed, the three ways which they can be equivalent, and the seven rules for the validity of syllogisms.

Theology at the Primary level will focus on Bible & Catechism.
 Text: The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism No. 1 and review at home: https://books.modg.org/the-newsaint-joseph-baltimore-catechism-no-1
 Text: Gilmore’s Bible History: St. Alcuin will provide this text.
 Philosophy at the Junior level with begin introducing our Education in Virtue curriculum, which is woven throughout the academy. This masterful curriculum developed by the Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist creates a foundation for virtue. Parents are encouraged to purchase the virtue chart packs for home study: https://openlightmedia.com/product-category/product-lines/education-in-virtue/

This special topics Theology course will explore the Christian dimensions present in a selection of writings by C. S. Lewis. The Michaelmas term will read his work on apologetics Mere Christianity. Students will learn starting points in thinking about the claims of Christianity with those outside of the Faith. The Candlemas term will focus on two works of Lewis’ literary works. The Screwtape Letters delves into moral questions about good vs. evil, temptation, repentance, and grace. Through this wonderful tale, students will gain a better understanding of what it means to live a faithful life. In The Great Divorce, the writer finds himself in Hell boarding a bus bound for Heaven. The amazing opportunity is that anyone who wants to stay in Heaven, can. This is the starting point for an extraordinary meditation upon good and evil, grace and judgment.

Sacred Music courses will focus on chant neumes and developing vocal skills in solfege. Students will learn to sing English and Latin prayers and hymns.

Art courses at the Intermediate level (7th-9th) focus on developing technical skills in art and appreciating artistic treasures from history. 

Description: Sacred Music courses will focus on the basics of simple chant neumes and develop vocal skills in solfege. Students will learn to sing English and Latin prayers and hymns.

Theology at the Primary level will focus on Bible & Catechism. 

Philosophy at the Junior level with begin introducing our Education in Virtue curriculum, which is woven throughout the academy. This masterful curriculum developed by the Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist creates a foundation for virtue. Parents are encouraged to purchase the virtue chart packs for home study: https://openlightmedia.com/product-category/product-lines/education-in-virtue/ 

Art courses at the Junior level (4th-6th) focus on developing technical skills in art and appreciating artistic treasures from history. 

Art courses at the Primary level (2nd-3rd) focus on handcrafts and developing technical skills in art. 

Theology at the Primary level will focus on Catechism and Saint Stories. Parents should get The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism No. 1 and review at home: https://books.modg.org/the-new-saint-joseph-baltimore-catechism-no-1 

Philosophy at the Primary level with begin introducing our Education in Virtue curriculum, which is woven throughout the academy. This masterful curriculum developed by the Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist creates a foundation for virtue. Parents are encouraged to purchase the virtue chart packs for home study: https://openlightmedia.com/product-category/product-lines/education-in-virtue/ 

These Humanities courses in the Petty School focus on awakening the moral imagination of children through the study of fables & fairy stories.

Sacred Music courses will focus on the basics of simple chant neumes and develop vocal skills in solfege. Students will learn to sing English and Latin prayers and hymns.

Theology in the Petty School will utilize the montessori method in Bible imaginative play to cultivate the theological imagination. Students will construct scenes and figures to act out stories from Holy Scripture.

We recommend that parents begin studying The New Saint Joseph First Communion Catechism with their children at home: https://books.modg.org/the-new-saint-joseph-first-communion-catechism 

This Humanities course in the Petty School focus on awakening the moral imagination of children through studying the lives of the Saints.

Art courses in the Petty School (K-1st) focus on handcrafts and Bible imaginative play. At the Junior level, students will begin developing technical skills in art.