The following texts are recommended for parents to purchase for their children’s classes and for home reinforcement of the virtues and principles learned at the academy. NOTE: when “our text” or “our set” is indicated, this means that the book should be acquired through Saint Alcuin. Preschool (Age 2-4) Mother Goose’s Nursery Rhymes The Complete Tales of Beatrix Potter (Beatrix Potter) Winnie-the-Pooh, The House at Pooh Corner, & When We…
Saint Alcuin Classical Academy is excited to announce our academic Prospectus for the 2024-2025 Academic Year!
Welcome To Saint Alcuin Classical Academy Mission & General Introduction Saint Alcuin Classical Academy is an Apostolate of the parish of St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church. The philosophy of education and spirituality of Saint Alcuin Classical Academy is rooted in the traditions of English-speaking Catholicism—particularly as nurtured in the Patrimony of Anglican Christianity through its liturgical, spiritual, and pastoral traditions, which find new life in the Catholic…