The following texts are recommended for parents to purchase for their children’s classes and for home reinforcement of the virtues and principles learned at the academy. NOTE: when “our text” or “our set” is indicated, this means that the book should be acquired through Saint Alcuin.
Preschool (Age 2-4)
Mother Goose’s Nursery Rhymes
The Complete Tales of Beatrix Potter (Beatrix Potter)
Winnie-the-Pooh, The House at Pooh Corner, & When We Were Very Young, selections (A.A. Milne)
A Year at Maple Hill Farm (Alice and Martin Provensen)
The New Catholic Picture Bible, selections (Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D.)
My Picture Missal Paperback – Picture Book, (Rev. Lawrence G Lovasik S.V.D.)
The Holy Rosary Paperback – Picture Book, ((Rev. Lawrence G Lovasik S.V.D.)
Once Upon a Time Saints, selections (Ethel Pochocki) /
Picture Book of Saints, selections (Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D.)
My Book of the Church’s Year (Enid Chadwick)
Primary (Age 5-8)
English Lessons Through Literature, Level I, selected and adapted (Kathy Jo DeVore)
Aesop’s Fables (we recommend the beautifully illustrator hardback edition by Barnes N Noble)
The Harp and Laurel Wreath: Poetry and Dictation for the Classical Curriculum (Laura M. Berquist)—this text will be used from Primary to Senior levels.
King of the Golden City: Special Edition for Boys (Mother Mary Loyola)
Geography Through Literature, selected and adapted (Holling C. Holling)
My Book of the Church’s Year (Enid Chadwick)
Once Upon a Time Saints, selections (Ethel Pochocki)
A Child’s Book of Saints & A Child’s Book of Warriors, selections (William Canton)
The New Catholic Picture Bible, selections (Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik)
Nature Anatomy (Julia Rothman) & Activity Book (sold separately)
When We Were Very Young & Now We Are Six, selections (A.A. Milne)
A Child’s Garden of Verses, selections (Robert Louis Stevenson)
Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children of All Ages, selections (Harold Bloom, ed.)
Heavenward Bound (E.T.W. Branscombe)
The Rhymed Life of St. Patrick (Katharine Tynan)
The Book of Saints and Heroes, selections (Leonora Blanche Lang)
The Blue Fairy Book: Complete and Unabridged (Andrew Lang)
The Green Fairy Book (Andrew Lang)
Junior & Intermediate (Age 9-15)
Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children of All Ages, selections (Harold Bloom, ed.)
Poems Every Catholic Should Know (Joseph Pearce)
Treasury Of Favorite Poems Hardcover (Louis Untermeyer)
The Rhymed Life of St. Patrick (Katharine Tynan)
The Book of Saints and Heroes, selections (Leonora Blanche Lang)
My Path to Heaven: A Young Person’s Guide to the Faith Paperback (Rev. Geoffrey Bliss)
King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table (Puffin Classics)
Tales of the Greek Heroes (Puffin Classics)
Myths of the Norsemen (Puffin Classics)
Tales of Ancient Egypt (Puffin Classics)
Grimms’ Fairy Tales (Puffin Classics)
The Extraordinary Cases of Sherlock Holmes (Puffin Classics)
The Princess and the Goblin (Puffin Classics)
The Secret Garden (Frances Hodgson Burnett)
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll)
Treasure Island (Robert Louis Stevenson)
Hans Christian Andersen’s Complete Fairy Tales (Leather-bound Classics)
The Chronicles of Narnia (C. S. Lewis)
Oliver Twist (Dickens)
The Phantom Tollbooth (Juster)
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Leather-bound Classics)
The Witch of Blackbird Pond (Speare)
The Bronze Bow (Speare)
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon (Lin)
The Golden Goblet (McGraw)
The Outlaws of Ravenhurst (Wallace)
The Door in the Wall (de Angeli)
Crispin: The Cross of Lead (Avi)
The Scarlet Pimpernel (Orczy)
Ivanhoe (Sir Walter Scott)
The Old Man and the Sea (Hemingway)
The Iliad & The Odyssey by Homer (Alexander Pope translations, our set)
“A Christmas Memory” (Capote)
The Young Man’s Guide (Father Lasance)
Home for Good (Mother Mary Loyola)
Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Senior (Age 16-18)
Beowulf (Seamus Heaney translation)
Canterbury Tales (Chaucer, our set)
Divine Comedy (Dante, our set)
Aeneid (Virgil, our text)
The Metamorphosis (Ovid, our text)
Paradise Lost & Regained (Milton, our set)
Dryden’s poetical works (our text)
The Scarlet Letter (Hawthorne)
An Anthology of 8 C. S. Lewis Titles (Signature Classics edition)
A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (Solzhenitsyn)
Joan of Arc (Lisieux)
“A Worn Path” (Welty)
The Gift of the Magi (Henry)
Little Women (Alcott)
Antigone (Sophocles)
Murder in the Cathedral (Eliot)
A Rose for Emily (Faulkner)
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Irving)
The Grand Inquisitor (Dostoevsky)
The Privilege of Being a Woman (Alice von Hildebrand)
Summa Theologica (St. Thomas Aquinas): the academy will provide a set of the Summa for students, but since it is an encapsulation of the Catholic Faith, it is recommended to have a set at home. We use the Fathers of the Dominican Province translation. Online free English translations of St. Thomas Aquinas’ works can be found here:
Catena Aurea (Commentary on the Scriptures by the Church Fathers compiled by St. Thomas Aquinas): buy from Amazon or free online-
The Confessions (St. Augustine)
The Enchiridion on Faith, Hope, and Love (St. Augustine)
New Testament Commentaries by Cornelius Lapide (one of the greatest commentators on Holy Scripture): the iPieta app has the full commentaries, but you can access them here:
Everyone (required)
St. Gregory’s Prayer Book (we use the SGPB for catechism, Confession, preparation for Mass, prayer memorization in English and Latin, and Angelus and Regina Caeli)
The Holy Bible (RSV-2CE)
Baltimore Catechism – we recommend the Tan Books 4 Volume Set or the New St. Joseph’s version.
Virtue Chart Pack for home:
- Educator’s Guide to Living a Virtuous Life (optional but highly recommended for parents to use at home:
- Holy Spirit House Students: Cultivating the Virtues: God Gives the Growth Workbook –