The Seven Classical Liberal Arts

The Seven Classical Liberal Arts Education up until the Modern period was uniform in overall structure even if specific texts differed from region to region. It consisted of a core curriculum of the seven Liberal Arts divided into two main divisions: the Trivium consisting of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric; and the Quadrivium consisting of Arithmetic, Astronomy, Music, and Geometry. The Classical Trivium was a sequence of Arts studied to the…

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A Sacramental Worldview

A Sacramental Worldview The Most Rev. Steven J. Lopes is Bishop of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter (POCSP), a non-geographic Catholic diocese, within which Saint Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church is a member.1 At the very center of Saint Alcuin Classical Academy’s educational mission is what the Most Rev. Lopes identifies as a Sacramental Worldview. In his reflection on Catholic Education in the Ordinariate, the Most…

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